Yar Koporulin

July 2011


Growing up in Moscow during the post-Soviet Era, Yar Koporulin witnessed the dramatic rebirth of Russian society and culture. His personal experiences, reinforced by those transformations, birthed an interest in the individual’s journey towards self-recognition and the emotional and socio-cultural struggles with indoctrination that are universally experienced on that journey.

Through the use of metaphorical characters, Yar portrays the world surrounding us as a contorted tangle of string. Within the tangle, each person is an inimitable piece of complexity. Each character consists of thousands of polar emotions and unpredictable reactions. Humanity balances blindfolded on the string of existence between love and loss, life and death, emotional suffering and joy of being, searching for true values and purpose.

Visit Koporulin’s website at www.yarkoporulin.com.