Craig Kraft, Lauren Kotkin and Ellen Weiss


January 2011


January’s show featured the work of Craig Kraft, Lauren Kotkin, and Ellyn Weiss. Utilizing his “found” stream of consciousness sketches as inspiration, Kraft creates neon sculptures designed to remind his audience of the maze of thoughts and emotions that remain unnoticed and unappreciated in the human mind. Kotkin’s paper cut-out arrangements mime the patterns of Prague’s mosaic sidewalks, in the process exploring and reassembling her personal emotions, which she feels are analogues for broken, shifted, and reshaped mosaics. Weiss’ vision is to create art which bypasses the need for explanation and mediation and which speaks directly to the heart. The energy of her pieces bespeaks a furious creative process. Unifying the aesthetically dissimilar styles of these artists is an appreciation for the intensity and unpredictability of the human mind and for its rapidly shifting thoughts and emotions.

This show was curated by Barbara Liotta, a Hillyer Art Space Artists’ Advisory Committee member and a sculptor living in Washington, DC.