Kate Kretz

Kate Kretz

March 2010


Purge/Deluge will feature an assortment of Kretz’s multi-media works ranging from drawings and paintings on paper to embroidery and fabric works. Focusing on the heaviness of day-to-day existence and her experiences with individuals whose lives’ visible weight impacts her to the point of creative refuge, Kretz seeks to honor the fragility common to every human across continents and centuries.

Her highly crafted work is created in defiance of the virtual and disposable, and despite acknowledging there’s a contemporary disinteresting detail-oriented modes of production. Kretz finds physical and emotional release through her handiwork, a sort of catharsis for the overwhelming interactions in life.

Visit Kretz’s website at www.katekretz.com.

Elena Patiño

March 2010

Laborious Futility

The accumulative processes used in the making of Elena’s pieces make reference to a variety of different aspects of the human condition. Labor, migration and consumption are all subtly examined through her obsessively repetitive methods of construction and systems of assemblage.

Laborious Futility adapts from Patiño’s previous engagement in the construction of organic structures based on repetition with a strong connection to fiber arts. While not always made with fiber materials, the work borrows from the pliable quality of textiles.

Visit Patiño’s website at www.elenapatino.com.

Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative

January 2010

Paper Politics For a New Decade

The JustSeeds Artists’ Cooperative is a decentralized community of artists who have banded together to sell their work online in a central location, to collaborate, and support social movements. Using print and poster making techniques to address a variety of social and environmental justice issues, collective mates work together over many miles to create, resist, and bring meaningful artwork to the masses for affordable prices. These artists believe in the power of personal expression in concert with collective action to transform society.

Originally started in 1998 by artist Josh MacPhee as a way to distribute the Celebrate People’s History poster series, he slowly expanded Justseeds to include the work of like-minded artists. In 2006, MacPhee reached out to a dozen like-minded artists and previous collaborators as well as the political street art blog Visual Resistance in order to re-envision Justseeds as a cooperative effort. Justseeds was transformed into Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative, an artist/worker owned and run cooperative and blog, that launched in the summer of 2007.

Dana Frostick

February 2010

Structured Turbulence

The paintings presented in Structured Turbulence have their origins in the chaos and motion found in Dana Frostick’s subconscious. Her mystical process involves allowing lines to flow through her until becoming realized into more significant forms and spaces. Once these forms have been established, Frostick then revisits with conte crayon and oils to define the patterns and themes which begin to make themselves evident. The results are turbulent and intriguing.

Dana Frostick was born in Richmond, VA where she attended Virginia Commonwealth University and studied sculpture.

Visit Frostick’s website at www.danafrostick.com.