G. Pack

Revenge is the least I deserve
September 7- 29, 2024

Revenge Is The Least I Deserve visually articulates the ongoing cycle of grief and the process of releasing it. The title initially emerged as a response to perceived mistreatment and disrespect, reflecting on G. Pack’s personal struggle to reclaim his dignity and assert his pride. This need to retaliate is not unique to him but is a common reaction to various forms of hurt, from casual misunderstandings to the deep wounds inflicted by systemic racism, emotional abuse, and generational trauma. Through introspection, Pack realized that he deserved much more than the fleeting satisfaction of revenge. Instead, he discovered that he is worthy of love, understanding, and the reciprocal kindness he offers to others. Revenge only consumes valuable time and energy, serving no constructive purpose. This work underscores the importance of moving beyond retribution to embrace a more compassionate and fulfilling existence.