Orna Ben-Ami

Orna Ben-Ami

November 2006-January 2007

Links: Iron Sculptures

Sponsored in part by the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Division for Cultural & Scientific Relations, Links is an exhibition of 19 iron sculptures by renowned Israeli artist, Orna Ben-Ami. Her sculptures convey thought-provoking contrasts: war and peace, memory and forgetting, private and collective. Critically acclaimed for the surprising contrast between the material and themes of the sculpture, Links presents a collection replete with personal content that intersects with collective memories.

Visit Ben-Ami’s website at www.ornabenami.com.

Pyramid Atlantic

November 2006-January 2007

Across the Page: Selections from Pyramid Atlantic’s Artists and Archive

Pyramid Atlantic, an organization dedicated to the creation and appreciation of paper, prints, books arts and media, in conjunction with their annual book conference presented a selection of artists’ books at Hillyer Art Space. Diverse themes and media illustrated the artist book as a cultural awareness and avant-garde movement in contemporary works of art. The exhibition featured acclaimed printmakers, Jan Cincera, Tate Shaw, Maureen Cummins, Brad Freeman, Bilge Friedlander, Lonnie Graham, Shireen Holman, Kumi Korf, and Chip Schilling.

Hillyer Art Space’s Advisory Committee


September–October 2006

Pulse 2006

Pulse 2006 featured artists serving on Hillyer Art Space’s advisory committee and included: Maria Barbosa, Margaret Boozer, Bill Christenberry, Manon Cleary, John Dreyfuss, David Driskell, Bill Dunlap, Helen Frederick, Sam Gilliam, Carol Brown Goldberg, Pat Goslee, Rebecca Kamen, Quentin Moseley, Wendy Ross, John Ruppert, Foon Sham, Renee Stout, Lou Stovall, Duncan Tebow, Mindy Weisel, and Frank Right. The wide range of works in this exhibition owed itself to the expanse of talent in the Washington region.

Artists in the Washington Region

Scratching the Surface was Hillyer Art Space’s first exhibition in its series of Washington region programs and aimed to bring recognition to a variety of artists living and working in the Washington region. Hillyer Art Space’s advisory committee chose the exhibiting artists which included Jiha Moon, Erin Root, Jody Bergstresser, Dan Dudrow, Zachary Jackson, Amy Lin, Mai Kojima, Jeffrey Meizlik, Conrad Myers II, John Trevino, and Steven Kijek. The exhibition was dedicated to the memory of Kevin MacDonald, a well-known and much-loved artist who worked in the DC area.