Renáta Fučíková

Beyond Kafka

March 6 – 29, 2020

Time flies by and swirls in the twists of human fates. It leaves its marks on building walls, its footprints on cobblestones, and its traces in our hearts. The city of Prague, its stories and personalities: author Franz Kafka, monarch Charles IV, presidents Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk and Václav Havel. Come in and enter Prague through the illustrations of author and visual artist Renáta Fučíková.

Originally an artist and illustrator, Renáta Fučíková has gradually devoted more time to writing books. She has won many awards, including several Golden Ribbons, first prize at the Biennial of Illustration in Tehran in 1997, and the Grand Prix at the Biennial of Illustrations in Zagreb, Croatia in 2018. She was nominated for the Czech literature award Magnesia Litera as well as for the prestigious Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award three times. Her magnum opus is a five-hundred-page illustrated History of Europe, in collaboration with author Daniela Krolupperová. The book was three years in the making and was published by Práh in 2011. Fučíková has also worked with the Czech postal service, which has produced six of her stamp designs. Fučíková teaches students of Media and Didactic Illustration at the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic.

Presented in partnership with the Embassy of the Czech Republic